Afholdte arrangementer 2017

Monographic Happy Hour with Nils Bubandt

Monographic Happy Hour with Nils Bubandt on his book “The Empty Seashell: Witchcraft and Doubt on an Indonesian Island”

Date: April 27th 2017

Location: Ethnographic Exploratory, Center for Sundhed og Samfund (4.1.12) Øster Farimagsgade 5
1353 København

14.00-14.05 Welcome from Antropologforeningen

14.05-14.35 Presentation of the book “The Empty Seashell: Witchcraft and Doubt on an Indonesian Island” by Nils Bubandt, professor at Department of Anthropology, Aarhus University.

14.35-15.05 Discussion of the book by Morten Axel Pedersen, professor at Department of Anthropology, University of Copenhagen.

15.05-15.20 Break

15.20-16.00 Open floor for discussion

We will serve snacks, vine and beer. Everyone is welcome! We look forward to seeing you!

More info about the monograph:
The Empty Seashell explores what it is like to live in a world where cannibal witches are undeniably real, yet too ephemeral and contradictory to be an object of belief. In a book based on more than three years of fieldwork between 1991 and 2011, Nils Bubandt argues that cannibal witches for people in the coastal, and predominantly Christian, community of Buli in the Indonesian province of North Maluku are both corporeally real and fundamentally unknowable.
Witches (known as gua in the Buli language or as suanggi in regional Malay) appear to be ordinary humans but sometimes, especially at night, they take other forms and attack people in order to kill them and eat their livers. They are seemingly everywhere and nowhere at the same time. The reality of gua, therefore, can never be pinned down. The title of the book comes from the empty nautilus shells that regularly drift ashore around Buli village. Convention has it that if you find a live nautilus, you are a gua. Like the empty shells, witchcraft always seems to recede from experience.
Bubandt begins the book by recounting his own confusion and frustration in coming to terms with the contradictory and inaccessible nature of witchcraft realities in Buli. A detailed ethnography of the encompassing inaccessibility of Buli witchcraft leads him to the conclusion that much of the anthropological literature, which views witchcraft as a system of beliefs with genuine explanatory power, is off the mark. Witchcraft for the Buli people doesn’t explain anything. In fact, it does the opposite: it confuses, obfuscates, and frustrates. Drawing upon Jacques Derrida’s concept of aporia—an interminable experience that remains continuously in doubt—Bubandt suggests the need to take seriously people’s experiential and epistemological doubts about witchcraft, and outlines, by extension, a novel way of thinking about witchcraft and its relation to modernity.


Afholdte arrangementer 2017

Monographic Happy Hour with Tina Gudrun Jensen

Monographic Happy Hour with TIna Gudrun Larsen on her book “Sameksistens: Hverdagsliv og naboskab i et multietnisk boligområde”

16.00-16.05 Welcome from Antropologforeningen’s chairman Thomas Hughes

16.05-16.35 Presentation of the book ” Sameksistens: Hverdagsliv og naboskab i et multietnisk boligområde” by Tina Gudrun Jensen, ph.d. and part-time lecturer at Department of Anthropology, University of Copenhagen.

16.35-17.05 Discussion of the book ” Sameksistens: Hverdagsliv og naboskab i et multietnisk boligområde” by senior researcher Marianne Holm Pedersen from the National Library of Denmark

17.05-17.20 Break

17.20-18.00 Open the floor for discussion

We will serve snacks, vine and beer. Everyone is welcome! We look forward to seeing you!

More about the monograph (In Danish):

I den offentlige debat om indvandring og integration tales der ofte om ghettodannelse og parallelsamfund , og der skelnes tydeligt mellem os og dem . Her fremstilles etniske grupper som segregerede enklaver i samfundet, men virkeligheden er langt mere nuanceret. Mange af de boligområder, der hentydes til, er nemlig multietniske boligområder, og her bor bl.a. mange etniske danskere.

I både den offentlige debat og i forskningen om indvandring og integration i urbane rum i Danmark overser man ofte den interaktion, der foregår mellem mennesker med forskellige etniske baggrunde. Denne bog handler netop om interetniske relationer i sociale boligområder.

Hermed udfylder bogen et hul i dansk forskning om indvandring og integration og lægger sig op ad den fremvoksende internationale antropologiske, sociologiske og humangeografiske litteratur om udfoldelsen af interetniske relationer i hverdagsliv.

Bogen er baseret på et etnografisk feltarbejde i Grønnevang i form af deltagerobservation og interview med beboere og andre personer i området. Grønnevang er et større multietnisk socialt boligområde i København, som er beboet af omkring 50 procent etniske danskere og 50 procent etniske minoriteter. Gennem autentiske historier beskriver bogen de personer, der lever i boligområdet, og deres indbyrdes relationer.

Bogens omdrejningspunkter er naboskabets forskelligartede relationer og hverdagspraksisser samt magtforholdet mellem beboere, som udgør etnisk minoritet og majoritet.

Afholdte arrangementer 2014-2016

Monografisk Happy Hour: Cape Verde, Let’s Go: Creole Rappers and Citizenship in Portugal

Monografisk Happy Hour with Derek Pardue, November 10th , room 4.1.12 at CSS, Øster Farimagsgade 5.

15.00-15.05 Welcome from Antropologforeningen’s chairman Thomas Hughes

15.05-15.35 Presentation of the book ”Cape Verde, Let’s Go: Creole Rappers and Citizenship in Portugal” by Derek Pardue, Associate Professor at the Department of Culture and Society – Brasilian Studies, Aarhus University.

15.35-16.05 Discussion of the book ”Cape Verde, Let’s Go: Creole Rappers and Citizenship in Portugal” by Professor Henrik Vigh from the Department of Anthropology at the University of Copenhagen.

16.05-16.20 Break

16.20-17.00 Open the floor for discussion

We will serve snacks, vine and beer. Everyone is welcome! We look forward to seeing you!

About the monograph:
Musicians rapping in kriolu – a hybrid of Portuguese and West African languages spoken in Cape Verde – have recently emerged from Lisbon’s periphery. They popularize the struggles with identity and belonging among young people in a Cape Verdean immigrant community that shares not only the kriolu language but its culture and history. Drawing on fieldwork and archival research in Portugal and Cape Verde, Derek Pardue introduces Lisbon’s kriolu rap scene and its role in challenging metropolitan Portuguese identities. Pardue demonstrates that Cape Verde, while relatively small within the Portuguese diaspora, offers valuable lessons about the politics of experience and social agency within a postcolonial context that remains poorly understood. As he argues, knowing more about both Cape Verdeans and the Portuguese invites clearer assessments of the relationship between the experience and policies of migration. That in turn allows us to better gauge citizenship as a balance of individual achievement and cultural ascription. Deftly shifting from domestic to public spaces and from social media to ethnographic theory, Pardue describes an overlooked phenomenon transforming Portugal, one sure to have parallels in former colonial powers across twenty-first-century Europe.

Afholdte arrangementer 2014-2016 Uncategorized

Monografisk Happy Hour – Fragile Elite: The Dilemmas of China’s Top University Students

Monografisk Happy Hour med Susanne Bregnbæk.

Kl. 15.00-15.05 Velkomst ved Antropologforeningens formand Thomas Hughes

Kl. 15.05-15.35 Præsentation af monografien ”Fragile Elite: The Dilemmas of China’s Top University Students” ved Susanne Bregnbæk, Assistant Professor ved University College Capital (UCC).

15.35-16.05 Diskussion af monografien monografien ”Fragile Elite: The Dilemmas of China’s Top University Students” ved lektor Karen Valentin fra Pædagogisk Antropologi, DPU – Danmarks institut for Pædagogik og Uddannelse

16.05-16.20 Pause

16.20-17.00 Diskussionen åbnes

Som altid vil der være snacks, vin, øl og vand. Arrangementet er åbent for alle, og tilmelding er ikke nødvendigt. Vel mødt!

Om Fragile Elite: The Dilemmas of China’s Top University Students:
China’s One Child Policy and its rigorous national focus on educational testing are well known. But what happens to those “lucky” few at the very top of the pyramid: elite university students in China who grew up under the One Child Policy and now attend the nation’s most prestigious universities? How do they feel about having made it to the top of an extremely competitive educational system—as their parents’ only child? What pressures do they face, and how do they cope with the expectations associated with being the best?

Fragile Elite explores the contradictions and perplexities of being an elite student through immersive ethnographic research conducted at two top universities in China. Susanne Bregnbæk uncovers the intimate psychological strains students suffer under the pressure imposed on them by parents and state, where the state acts as a parent and the parents reinforce the state. Fragile Elite offers fascinating insights into the intergenerational tensions at work in relation to the ongoing shift in educational policy and definition of what a “quality” student, child, and citizen is in contemporary China

Afholdte arrangementer 2014-2016

Happy Happy Hour

Antropologforeningen inviterer alle medlemmer til et særarrangement, som skal sætte fokus på det allervigtigste i foreningen: Os selv!!

Vi i bestyrelsen syntes, det var tid til at gøre noget ekstra ud af netværksskabelsen, både den sociale og faglige, som hidtil har levet et lidt skjult liv. Vi vil trække den sociale kapital helt frem i lyset og fejre os selv, og de forbindelser, vi kan skabe mellem hinanden.

Programmet byder på to indslag:

— “Antro møder antro uden logos” – en udvidet selskabsleg —
Dette netværksarrangement er en anledning til lære bekendte og ubekendte fagfæller bedre at kende.
Med inspiration fra musikken og dansens verden vil komponist og stud. pæd.antro Casper H. Cordes facilitere, at vi møder hinanden uden sproget som krykstok.
Det er en mulighed for at møde andre sider af os selv og hinanden end dem, som det obligate talende CV viser frem.
En uformel, alvorligt humoristisk leg til at bryde isen.

— Fri (netværks-)leg —
Her vil vi meget gerne høre jeres input til indhold og form i nuværende og fremtidige arrangementstyper i “Happy Hour” serien.

Netværksarrangementet finder sted:
D. 30/9 kl. 17-21. Lok. 33.1.19 på CSS, SU d. 23/9 til

Der vil blive serveret sandwich og drikkevarer.

Vel mødt!

Antropologforeningen i Danmark

Afholdte arrangementer 2014-2016

Seminar: Antropologer i “Medicon Valley”

Dansk farma og biotek er i verdensklasse. Virksomheder som Novo Nordisk, Leo Pharma og Coloplast har sikret sig vægtige positioner på globale sundhedsmarkeder, og sammen tegner de sig for et væsentligt bidrag til udvikling og vækst i det danske samfund.

I arbejdet med at sikre viden og innovation anvender dansk farma og biotek antropologiske og andre kvalitative tilgange og metoder.

Antropologer finder indsigt i patienternes dagligdag, definerer og designer produktrejsen fra idé til anvendelse, analyserer organisatoriske arbejdsprocesser og skaber viden om interaktion og udvikling på tværs af nationale, kulturelle og institutionelle skel. Kort fortalt giver antropologer en ny forståelse af den hverdag og verden, som medicinalbranchen er bygget op omkring.

I forlængelse af denne udvikling inviterer Institut for Antropologi, Københavns Universitet til et åbent seminar, hvor praktikere og forskere med udgangspunkt i konkrete eksempler fra dagligdagen vil belyse og diskutere antropologiens anvendelse i ”medicon valley”.

Seminaret vil slutte af med en paneldebat, der omhandler antropologien som alternativ vej til vækst og innovation.

13.00 – 13.15: Velkomst – Dekan Troels Østergaard, KU
13.15 – 13.30: Introduktion – Lektor Hanne Mogensen, KU
13.30 – 13.50: Leo Pharma – Antropolog Sofie Gro Søndergaard
13.50 – 14.10: Novo Nordisk – Senior Advisor Bo Wesley
14.10 – 14.40: Pause
14.40 – 15.00: Institut for Antropologi – Prof. Ayo Wahlberg, KU
15.00 – 15.20: Coloplast – TBA
15.20 – 16.00: Paneldebat – Adjunkt Simon Lex, KU
16.00 – 16.30: Uformel reception

Tilmelding senest d. 23. september til Karen-Kathrine Vedel Sørensen:

Deltagelse er gratis.
No show fee på 250 DKK