Antropologforeningen invites you to join us for an Ethnographic Happy Hour to celebrate the release of “Managing Sacralities: Competing and Converging Claims of Religious Heritage” edited by Ernst van den Hemel, Oscar Salemink and Irene Stengs.
What happens when religious sites, objects and practices become cultural heritage? What are —religious or secular—sources of expertise and authority that validate and regulate heritage sites, objects and practices? The book tackles questions like these surrounding cultural heritage as it becomes an increasingly popular and influential frame for understanding current processes in which identity, religion, tradition, culture, and politics tangle up in complex ways.
Read more about the book here:…/2022/managing-sacralities/…
15:30 Welcome from CAMP & Antropologforeningen
15:35 Presentation of book from Oscar Salemink and Irene Stengs
15:50 Discussion with Mikkel Bille
16:10: Break
16:25: Q&A
16:45: Drinks and celebration