Antropologforeningen invites you to join us for an Ethnographic Happy Hour to celebrate the publication of “Rubber Boots Methods for the Anthropocene: Doing Fieldwork in Multispecies Worlds ” edited by Nils Bubandt, Astrid Oberborbeck Andersen and Rachel Cypher.
The book attempts to answer methodological challenges posed by the Anthropocene by providing of empirical studies of the multispecies messiness of contemporary life that investigate some of the critical questions of our time. The book is a collection of studies of the socioecological chaos of the contemporary moment across the arts, human science, and natural science.
At this happy hour editors Nils Bubandt and Astrid Oberborbeck Andersen will present the book, chapter authors Kirsten Hastrup and Pierre du Plessis will present their contributions, and Matti Weisdorf will discuss selected chapters and contributions of the book with all. Finally, the all persons attending are invited into the conversation.
Read more about the book here:
17:15 Welcome from Antropologforeningen
17:20 Short presentations by Nils Bubandt, Astrid Oberborbeck Andersen, Kirsten Hastrup, Pierre du Plessis
17:55 Discussion with Matti Weisdorf (Postdoc, University of Copenhagen)
18:15 Break
18:30 Q&A
We hope to see you, there will be drinks and snacks!
After the Happy Hour, from 19:30 – 21:00, Antropologforeningen is hosting its annual general assembly (Generalforsamling). All members and interested are welcome to join
All the best,